Oat Digestive Biscuits

Most evenings, after dinner is cleaned up and all work put away for the night, I brew a pot of black tea, and my husband and I nibble on digestive biscuits and sip our tea while we read or watch a movie. I always have a couple of boxes of McVittie’s digestive biscuits in the pantry, but when I saw this recipe in the revised and expanded 2019 edition of Tartine Bakery’s first cookbook, I decided it would be nice to be able to make my own.

Since the flour used here is oat flour, this recipe is gluten-free; no need to make any substitutions. I’ve revised Tartine’s volume measures, which were way off, according to my digital scale, and made a couple of other adjustments (a little less salt, a little more butter). You may want to do some tweaking too, depending on which brands of oats and oat flour you are using. Enjoy!