Autumn Harvest Carrot Soup

This recipe was on the menu for one of the first hands-on cooking classes I taught in the kitchen of our house in Chappaqua, New York more than thirty years ago. Of course, you can make this soup anytime of year, but I think there’s something especially nice about it in the fall. It’s great as a first course to a hearty, cold-weather dinner. It’s also comforting for lunch or maybe a Sunday supper, with grilled panini. My dad, who could eat hot soup three times a day, loved this one.

I always have a big bag of carrots in the refrigerator, so I can make this at the drop of a hat. (I only include the parsnip, sweet potato, endive, and pear if I happen to have them around.) When using only the carrots, I usually add a spoon or two of sugar to bring out their natural sweetness. My original recipe called for a spiced crème fraîche to be used as a garnish for the soup. For cooking classes, and for fancy dinners, that made sense, but now I find the idea a little precious, so I don’t bother.